Praying in Tongues is Never a Waste of Time

I recall a certain conversation I had with a fellow believer regarding praying in tongues. During our discussion, the person inquired whether there is a sort of bank or reserve where the tongues we speak are stored. They wondered if these prayers could be preserved by the Lord for future use. No very long ago, … Read more

Are there False Tongues?

When it comes to praying in tongues, there is no need to worry about false tongues. In the scriptures, the Lord has not provided any information regarding false tongues; instead, He has revealed the true tongues, which are the only ones we need to know as believers In reality, the devil uses deceptive strategies to … Read more

Praying in Tongues Persecution

As long as we live in this world, there will always be contention between the Kingdom of light and the Kingdom of darkness. If you choose to be part of the kingdom of light, you automatically become an enemy of the kingdom of darkness. As a result, attacks will be orchestrated against you, whether you … Read more

My Interesting Praying in Tongues Experience

Recently, I was going about my day as usual but towards the evening, I encountered an experience that really baffled me. Throughout the day, everything seemed normal. However, as evening approached, I began to feel fatigue, which is quite normal towards the end of the day. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by a wave of discouragement. … Read more

Praying in Tongues for Healing

Praying in tongues for healing can be a hit or miss. There are times when people pray in tongues and trust God for healing, but do not receive it. This can be puzzling, leaving you wondering why healing did not occur despite your prayers. On the other hand, some people pray in tongues and receive … Read more

Intercession Through Praying in Tongues

I recently received a question about interceding for someone while praying in tongues. The person wanted to understand why the Holy Spirit brings someone to their mind during prayer and how they can tell if they are praying in tongues for that individual. Oftentimes, when the Holy Spirit brings someone to mind while you are … Read more