
Please take note of the following before reaching out:

1. is the official email I use to communicate. I do not share my phone number or use instant messaging apps to communicate.

2. I respond to emails in the order in which I receive them (First come, first served).

3. Typically, I respond within a day or two depending on the number of emails I have received. At most, it takes me a week to respond. If you don’t get a response from me after 7 days, feel free to resend it. Some emails get marked as spam accidentally.

4. I don’t charge anything for the prayers, guidance and counsel I give. However, if you are moved to donate as an appreciation, I’ll be glad.

5. I don’t do one on one prayers but I can whisper a prayer for you on top of the guidance I give

6. I have shared a lot of information and answered many questions about praying in tongues. Go through the videos on YouTube and articles on this blog to see if you can find an answer before reaching out.

My email is

I’ll help you as the Lord enables me!