The Understanding you Need to Pray in Tongues Consistently

Praying in tongues consistently was a challenge for me in the beginning. It took some time for me to understand why I struggled with it and to find solutions. Now, I pray in tongues for an extended period each day.

Praying in tongues consistently has two parts to it. The first part is engaging in the act of praying in tongues, while the second part pertains to the duration of your prayers. For instance, praying in tongues for just one minute each day may seem consistent, but in the spiritual realm, it may not have the same impact as praying for half an hour every other day.

It is important to consider both aspects when striving for consistency in your prayer life. I will share with you the lessons I have learned about maintaining consistency in praying in tongues, as well as my personal approach to it.

Limited understanding of the gift

The first reason why I struggled to pray in tongues consistently in the early days was due to my limited understanding of the gift. It is important to understand that praying in tongues is a high level spiritual activity that demands a high level of faith.

Even receiving the Holy Spirit requires strong faith. This is why many believers struggle to pray in tongues because they have not developed their faith to a level where they can fully allow the Holy Spirit to work within them.

When Jesus Christ was teaching about the Holy Spirit, He likened the Holy Spirit to the wind. Just as the wind cannot be seen, the Holy Spirit is also invisible and works behind the scenes.

And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Acts 2:2

Working with the Holy Spirit requires a high level of faith and cooperation. Many people struggle to be consistent in praying in tongues because they lack sufficient knowledge of how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

Due to limited understanding of praying in tongues, believers may feel discouraged as it may seem like they are uttering meaningless words or even faking the words they speak.

However, in such cases, the Holy Spirit is guiding them to pray, even though they may not comprehend it fully. This lack of knowledge can lead to a decrease in motivation to pray daily especially when no spiritual connection is felt.

I personally resolved this by actively seeking answers through asking questions. I was fortunate enough to be part of a fellowship where praying in tongues was a common practice. I took advantage of the opportunity to ask questions.

Many around me were seasoned in praying in tongues, but sometimes their explanations were insufficient.

In such cases, I turned to the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Since I had already developed a connection to receive messages from the Holy Spirit, seeking answers from Him became a more practical and reliable approach for me.

Unaware of the power of praying in tongues

The second reason for my inconsistency in praying in tongues was due to my lack of understanding of the power of praying in tongues.

As human beings, we often seek tangible results to validate our efforts. When we start praying in tongues, we naturally desire to feel, experience, or see something that proves the impact of our prayers.

In the early stages, it is challenging to have these experiences and to recognize the power of praying in tongues.

It’s important to note that the power of praying in tongues is primarily in the spiritual realm, so you may not always see direct physical results. It requires faith to continue praying until you reach a level where you can feel the power of the Holy Spirit and see manifestations of your prayers.

This faith is essential to stay motivated and continue praying in tongues, especially when you are facing challenges in life.

It wasn’t until two or three years of persistent prayer that I began to experience the power of the Holy Spirit. As I gained more knowledge, I began to experience peace and joy which increased my desire to pray in tongues more.


Consistency in praying in tongues may be difficult at first, but as you progress, it becomes easier and the motivation becomes natural.

Personally, praying in tongues has become natural to me, and I find myself doing it consistently without feeling tired. It took several years to reach this point.

If you are new to praying in tongues, starting out may seem difficult and consistency at that level can be challenging. However, as you progress and gain more knowledge about praying in tongues, you will begin to understand its power.

I hope this offers you encouragement and support as you work towards building consistency in your journey of praying in tongues. Blessings!