Why Angels Marvel at Believers Who Pray in Tongues

Did you know that angels marvel at believers who pray in tongues? While some may dismiss this as mere wishful thinking, there is a valid explanation behind why Angels are fascinated by those who pray in tongues. It all has to do with the nature of human beings.

Angels are spiritual beings created by God. They are ministering spirits, unlike human beings who are a combination of spirit and flesh. This unique hybrid nature allows humans to do things that Angels cannot do.

The gift of the Holy Spirit

One of the most remarkable abilities of humans is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, something that Angels cannot experience. This ability gives us a special connection to God, allowing us to have a mind like His. As a result, Angels are in awe of the capabilities of human beings, as they themselves are unable to have the same level of intimacy with God. They permanently remain to take instructions from God.

For humans, we have the ability to receive instructions from God similar to Angels. However, we can also be filled with the Holy Spirit, who understands the mind of God.  This is why, we are able to command angels when praying in tongues.

Essentially, it is the Holy Spirit who takes control, speaking through us and giving commands to the Angels. The Angels obey because these commands align with what God would have instructed them.

Unlike humans, Angels can only act upon instructions given by God, as they cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit. This distinction is why Angels are amazed by human beings.

Worship of human beings

The second aspect is our ability to worship God in the way He desires. When we pray in tongues, it is the Holy Spirit who inspires worship and praise within us. The more we are inspired, the more genuine the worship becomes, reflecting what God truly desires at that time.

This is why sometimes you may feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to sing a particular song, read certain scriptures aloud, pray in tongues in a specific manner, or engage in acts of worship like lifting your hands, dancing, or other expressions.

In contrast, angels have a more structured form of worship, lacking the spontaneity that human worship has. They are not led by the Holy Spirit but rather follow a set pattern of singing.

Human worship, on the other hand, is enriched by the Holy Spirit, allowing for diversity and a deeper connection with God.

There are instances when God favors the worship of humans over that of angels. This preference is evident in the fact that when angels fell, God cast them aside, but when humans fell, God devised a plan of redemption because of His love for humanity.

Despite our imperfections, God still values the worship of imperfect humans over that of perfect angels. This concept may be perplexing to angels, but it stems from God’s love for humans, who are created in His image and likeness.

Naturally, God is inclined towards humans, as we reflect His nature and likeness, which is why He cherishes the love and adoration of humans more than that of angels.

Diversity of tongues

When it comes to speaking in tongues, angels are limited to speaking the language of angels, as Apostle Paul mentioned.

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

1 Corinthians 13:1

However, human beings have the ability to speak diverse tongues, including the tongues of angels, languages understood by other humans, and even a language to communicate directly with God.

This three-dimensional aspect of tongues is what sets us apart from angels, who are intrigued by our ability to communicate in such diverse ways.

Angels often desire to be assigned by God to assist human beings, allowing them to witness and be amazed by our actions. While we may view ourselves as ordinary, angels find our actions quite fascinating.

As God’s special creation, we are truly unique and valued by Him. I hope knowing that angels marvel at us serves as motivation to even be more prayerful. Blessings!