Praying in Tongues is Never a Waste of Time

I recall a certain conversation I had with a fellow believer regarding praying in tongues. During our discussion, the person inquired whether there is a sort of bank or reserve where the tongues we speak are stored. They wondered if these prayers could be preserved by the Lord for future use.

No very long ago, I experienced a very busy season that limited my time for prayer. Out of the blues, the Holy Spirit brought to my mind the aforementioned conversation I had with that particular believer.

Through this revelation, I realized that many of us tend to believe that our effectiveness in the spiritual realm is only tied to the moments when we are praying in tongues. The truth is, we are not only effective in the spiritual realm while praying in tongues but also continue to maintain that effectiveness even after we have ended our prayers in tongues.

In short, the tongues that we typically utter in prayer are not effective solely during the act of praying; rather, their influence extends beyond the moment of prayer itself.

This is why I often emphasize that certain profound spiritual experiences can only be attained through persistent praying in tongues.

Effectiveness in the spiritual realm cannot be achieved through just one, two, or even three sessions of praying in tongues. This will require solid commitment to praying in tongues numerous times; even up to one hundred times before you truly begin to experience such powerful manifestations.

The tongues that you speak have both immediate and gradual influence on your life. There are instances where you may pray in tongues without noticing any significant changes in your circumstances.

However, this does not imply that these tongues lack power or effectiveness. It simply means that the impact of your prayers may be unfolding in a way that will only become evident with time as you continue to exercise the gift of speaking in tongues.

I also keep mentioning about the profound peace and joy that you experience when you pray in tongues. This sense of peace and joy becomes greater through consistent praying in tongues.

As you dedicate more time to prayer, you will begin to notice an overall abundance in both joy and peace in your life.

On the other hand, if you experience moments when you engage in praying in tongues without perceiving any notable changes, it is essential to understand that there is no such thing as a fruitless prayer in tongues.

Every utterance you express, guided by the Holy Spirit carries significance and impact just as highlighted in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 4 that says anyone who speaks in a tongues edifies themselves.

I hope you find this helpful as you keep the faith in the precious gift of speaking in tongues. Blessings!