As long as we live in this world, there will always be contention between the Kingdom of light and the Kingdom of darkness. If you choose to be part of the kingdom of light, you automatically become an enemy of the kingdom of darkness.
As a result, attacks will be orchestrated against you, whether you accept this reality or not.
It is important to remember that even Jesus mentioned this, stating that if the world hated the Master, it would similarly hate His disciples.
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
John 15:18
Therefore, you must always be prepared for warfare when you decide to pursue the Kingdom of Light.
It is important to understand that the kingdom of darkness strategically plans its attacks, mostly targeting prayerful believers who possess high spiritual power. This is because such individuals can easily bring great destruction to the kingdom of darkness.
Most believers who pray in tongues are also considered to be at advanced levels in the spiritual ranking. When you pray in tongues, you allow the Holy Spirit to intercede on their behalf and so you are able to cover more in your prayers compared to someone who only prays in understanding.
Consequently, the kingdom of darkness launches attacks on believers who pray in tongues more than those who only pray in understanding in an attempt to discourage them.
It is often assumed that a person who is deeply prayerful will experience a life free from turmoil and chaos. However, some people find that their lives become more chaotic as their commitment to prayer intensifies.
This is illustrated through the story of Job, who initially led a relatively peaceful life. Job’s unwavering dedication to God became the basis for the trials he faced. The enemy approached God, asserting that Job’s faithfulness was only as a result of the blessings and the goodness he had received.
Yet, God affirmed that Job’s love for Him was from a sincere heart. God allowed the devil to test Job, challenging him to curse God but Job remained steadfast in his faith.
When you engage in fervent prayer, particularly in tongues, there may be instances where the devil presents accusations against you. These accusations can be seen as attempts to challenge your faith.
In many cases, God allows the devil to come forth and validate these false claims, but ultimately He reveals their falsehood.
For many of us, the mere thought that God would allow the devil to do this can be unsettling. However, overcoming such challenges often results in significant spiritual rewards.
The Book of Revelation 12:11 states that ‘And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony’. This indicates that God desires us to have a testimony of having overcome the devil.
Sometimes we are subjected to the enemy, allowing him to bring persecution upon us. However, if we maintain our faith throughout this adversity, the enemy will ultimately be rendered powerless, and God will reward us for our faithfulness.
The devil may employ various schemes to attack believers, including temptations to sin, false accusations, or irritations designed to disrupt your peace and hinder your ability to connect with God and engage in deep spiritual fellowship.
As you become more like Christ, the more you face persecution. In many cases, this persecution serves as a positive indication of your spiritual growth and alignment with Christ.
Apostle Paul expressed that he considers it a privilege to suffer for the sake of Christ’s name.
For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him.
Philippians 1:29
During prayer, particularly when speaking in tongues, you may experience feelings of discouragement especially when surrounded by difficult circumstances. Do not give up.
Just as a soldier in a war zone must anticipate conflict, so you must also expect spiritual attacks from the devil. The Lord will help you overcome the trials which in the end will strengthen your spirit. Blessings!