How to Grow in the Gift of Speaking in Tongues

If you want to grow in speaking in tongues, you must put in conscious effort. This is a gift from the Holy Spirit but its effectiveness in your life depends on how you practice it.

Speaking in tongues has levels. Those who grow in speaking in tongues to high levels enjoy greater benefits.

I came to realize that you can grow in speaking in tongues after I noticed growth in the gift in my life. When I began praying in tongues, I was not fluent. You can read more on how I got baptized to speak in tongues.

Today, I am not only fluent in praying in tongues but I also pray for longer than when I started.  Growth in these areas made me analyze what I had done right.

I knew I could only continue to grow if I kept working on the gift.

In this article, I will outline the major steps I took to grow in the gift of speaking in tongues.

Tips to Grow in Speaking in Tongues

1. Laying on of Hands

To grow in speaking in tongues, you will need to have someone operating at a higher level in the gift to lay hands on you.

Laying on of hands is a way to impart gifts. The Bible has several instances where people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands.

The same laying on of hands can be used to propel someone who already has the gift of speaking in tongues to the next level.

This is one of the easiest ways to grow in speaking in tongues.

I remember the time I used to pray in tongues increased drastically after a pastor, whose church I was attending at that time, laid hands on me.

The laying on of hands has to be specific. In my case, he was laying hands on me to increase my prayer capacity.

I had received other impartations before through the same laying on of hands. The more specific the request, the better.

I have also laid hands on some people and not surprising, their gift of speaking in tongues grew. I realized that the people I laid hands on pray in tongues longer than others.

It makes sense since I pray in tongues longer than most people I know. In any prayer session where we are speaking in tongues, I am usually the last one to stop.

2. To Grow in Speaking in Tongues, Pray with Others

When you speak in tongues with others, you grow. Praying in tongues with other believers mostly helps you grow your courage.

I know it is usually hard for most believers who are new to speaking in tongues to pray boldly. I was once in the same state.

My courage in speaking in tongues grew when I prayed alongside other believers who were more experienced.

Since they were bold and would pray aloud, their voices would mask my voice. That way, I could pray a bit louder without being heard.

As I kept praying with other believers, I grew in boldness. It got to a point that other believers would wait for me to start praying aloud for them to join me.

It is a journey and it takes time but if you are consistent with praying in a fellowship, you will definitely grow in speaking in tongues.

3. To Grow in Speaking in Tongues, Listen to Testimonies

Testimonies are a big part of the walk of salvation. We overcome the evil one by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimonies.

The devil discourages believers from speaking in tongues using many schemes. The discouragement can easily cause you to stagnate in the gift of speaking in tongues.

For beginners in the gift of speaking in tongues, the devil discourages them by claiming what they are speaking is nonsense.

If they are not careful, they may stop speaking in tongues and believe that it is nonsense. Don’t we have believers who call speaking in tongues nonsense?

To overcome the discouragements of the devil, listen to testimonies of believers who overcame the devil in the gift of speaking in tongues.

If I tell you that I had doubts about what I was speaking when I first got baptized to speak in tongues but I pushed through and I have gotten to where I am today, will you not have a stronger reason to push through the same doubts?

That is an example of how a testimony can help you grow in the gift of speaking in tongues.

Before you seek to increase the time you spend praying in tongues, you must first believe that praying in tongues for long is worth it.

By listening to testimonies of believers who pray in tongues for long, you will be encouraged to increase your own time of prayer.

4. Daily Practice

It is obvious that praying in tongues daily will help you grow in the gift. Consistency in speaking in tongues is important.

Jesus taught about the importance of being persistent in prayer using the parable of the poor widow and the unjust judge. Since speaking in tongues is a form of prayer, you must learn to be persistent in it.

There are days you will not feel like speaking in tongues at all. Sometimes it will be seasons. I have had periods in my life where I couldn’t speak in tongues. I had no pleasure in speaking in tongues in those seasons at all.

But once the seasons pass, I resume praying in tongues. It takes conscious effort to pray in tongues consistently.

You will grow in speaking in tongues if you do your best to do it on a daily basis.

5. You will Grow in Speaking in Tongues if you do Physical Exercises

Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift but it takes a physical body that is in good health to exercise it. Some believers struggle to pray in tongues for long because they lose their voice along the way.

I have had the same challenge many times. To solve it, you will need to work on your vocals like a singer.

I don’t know much about what singers do to maintain clear voices but that is exactly what a believer who wants to grow in speaking in tongues also needs to do.

A clear voice is definitely a plus when it comes to speaking in tongues.

It is also good to jog. Jogging helps with your breathing which is a crucial area in speaking in tongues. I run every once in a while. Running helps me learn persistence and manage my breathing.

When it comes to speaking in tongues, I don’t get tired easily partly because I am used to running which is more strenuous.

If you use these tips and practice them as often as you can, you will definitely grow in speaking in tongues.

4 thoughts on “How to Grow in the Gift of Speaking in Tongues”

  1. I was so excited when I first spoke in tongues but when I spoke it for a friend to hear. I was a bit down cast when I was told I wasn’t speaking it the right way. That was back in 2006 or 2007 so here I am in 2023 and still not speaking in tongues fluently. I did not practice as I should but continued every now and then. I would love to speak fluently, would it help to practice daily for 30 mins a day? I also heard that it is because I haven’t surrendered everything to the Lord, in which I believe I did. Are there other reasons I’m not speaking fluently?

    • Yes, speaking in tongues daily will help you be fluent. The more you pray in tongues the more boldness you receive from the Holy Spirit and the boldness will enable you speak in tongues fluently.

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