If you are on the path of light, you can’t miss to have enemies of progress. While some people brush off the idea of having human beings as enemies, the truth is different.
In this article, I will explain the enemies of progress and how to pray against them.
Understanding Enemies of Progress
Before you start praying against the enemies of your progress, it is important to understand the foundation of the enmity. From the Bible, it is very clear that the devil is our enemy.
Everyone who gives his life to Jesus automatically becomes a target of the devil. It is obvious that the devil doesn’t want us to live for Christ so he does all that is in his power to draw us away from Jesus.
Enemies of progress are usually people who know us and understand what we are doing. These people are not necessarily evil but they have allowed the devil to use them.
In some cases, these people are evil and they intentionally do their best to stop you from progressing. According to the law of God, we are allowed to persuade people to turn away from evil but putting obstacles in the way of someone striving to do good is outright evil.
Therefore, before you start praying against the enemies of your progress, I want you to understand that it is illegal for someone to hinder your progress.
Secondly, I want you to understand that God permits the enemies of progress to come our way to test our resolve. God loves it when His children have faith in what they are doing. As a result, He allows the devil to tempt us to see if we will hold on to what we believe.
It is our responsibility as believers to hold on to our faith and trust God to defeat our enemies.
In the Bible, there is the famous story of Nehemiah who embarked on rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. He faced opposition but he never gave up.
Eventually, he completed rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and the name of the Lord was glorified.
Likewise, as much as you should rely on God to defeat the enemies of your progress, be diligent in your work.
Focusing on Praying against the Enemies of your Progress
A good number of believers focus on praying against enemies of their progress. While it may seem like a good idea on the surface, it is not a good idea in the long run.
God will answer you when you pray against the enemies of your progress but there is a higher level of wisdom you need to apply in that situation.
The devil is cunning; he understands how human beings behave and he takes advantage. I am saying this because there are believers who spend their time praying against their enemies and they forget to worship and praise God.
Worshipping and praising God is the highest form of prayer you can offer and it is also the best weapon you can use against your enemies.
The Bible illustrates this for us using stories; Gideon and Jehoshaphat defeated their enemies by praising God. Nehemiah focused on building the wall as opposed to fighting his enemies. Though he was prepared for war, his focus was on building the wall.
This is the approach you need to take when it comes to praying against your enemies. Remember that the enemies of your progress only hate you because of what you are doing. If you were doing something that didn’t bother them, they would never bother to put obstacles in your way.
Therefore, don’t lose focus on important matters of faith in your attempt to pray against the enemies of your progress.
Defeating the Enemies of your Progress
To defeat the enemies of your progress, you need to remember one important law; leave vengeance to the Lord. No matter how annoying your enemies become, remember to contain your anger and leave vengeance to the Lord.
God asks us to leave revenge to Him because He wants to judge our enemies severely. If you interfere by plotting revenge against your enemies, the Lord will withhold His judgement on them because judging them twice is illegal in God’s law.
Therefore, do your best to leave the battle to the Lord the same way Jehoshaphat did and God granted him victory.
When praying against the enemies of your progress, make sure to have a healthy balance of asking for their annihilation and praising God.
It is this balance that will grant you victory. God is willing to deal with your enemies but He requires that you worship Him and trust in Him.
When you praise God and worship Him, the enemies of your progress become His enemies because you are His child and that way, He has a legal motive to destroy them.
Remember how God would destroy the enemies of Israel when Israel was faithful to Him but when they would abandon Him, the Lord would let the enemies of Israel prevail over them.
Defeating the enemies of your progress is simple if you position yourself right.
Sample Prayer against Enemies of Progress
Heavenly Father, I trust you and believe in you. I have no other God but you. I am surrounded by enemies who do not want me to progress but Father I trust that I will overcome them by the power of your mighty hand.
You have been faithful to me and I know you will be faithful in helping me defeat the enemies that have surrounded me. Remember the evil that they plot against me, remember the wicked vows they make in secret against me. Fight for me Lord!
Arise oh my Lord for without you my enemies will defeat me. Though I have to face my enemies, I rely on your strength. It is your power that will grant me victory.
May I come back with a praise song to glorify you for giving me victory. You are God alone and no one compares to you. You have never lost a battle and you will never lose. I trust in you!
Praise and honor be to your name now and forever more. You are my Lord, my Rock, my Shield and my Salvation.