There are a good number of churches that don’t speak in tongues. Some don’t bother while others firmly oppose speaking in tongues.
I am a believer and I speak from the knowledge I have received from our Lord Jesus Christ. Speaking in tongues is not a practice of certain denominations; it is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit.
God gave us the gift of speaking in tongues because we needed it. Salvation is a gift that God gave us through His Son Jesus.
None of us could attain salvation, not even the saints in the Bible. Every single human being failed! God knew that waiting for us to meet the required standards to attain salvation would be a waste of time.
Out of His love for us, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to do the heavy lifting for us. After Jesus paid the price of salvation, all we were asked to do is believe in Him and keep His commands which are not burdensome.
But even after Jesus brought us salvation, there were still challenges that hindered many from believing in Him. To solve the remaining problems, God sent the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Himself referred to the Holy Spirit as a helper. Why? Because the Holy Spirit came to help us in our walk of salvation!
The walk of salvation has different sides to it. They are divided into four; prayer, the word of God, fellowship and acts of service.
Speaking in tongues is a gift that God gave us through the Holy Spirit to help us in prayer. Let’s be honest, praying is tough. Jesus asked His disciples to pray on the night He was arrested but they fell asleep.
Composing prayers is not easy. And even for people who pray, making a prayer that is in line with the Will of God is hard.
For this reason, God gave us the gift of speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues solves all the problems that we face during prayer.
Churches are important. Jesus asked His disciples to stay in fellowship as they await the coming of the Holy Spirit. Fellowships help us keep our faith as we watch over one another.
In these fellowships, we need to pray. And what better way is there to pray than to speak in tongues?
Why Churches that don’t speak in tongues are in trouble
1. Limited communion with God
People may argue as they want but the truth is that believers who don’t speak in tongues can’t enjoy communion as those who do. It is only after you start speaking in tongues that you understand how crucial speaking in tongues is in communing with God.
When you speak in tongues, it is easy to pray for long. That already means that you can have longer communions with God.
Churches that don’t speak in tongues limit themselves in terms of their communion with God. And when you remember that God created us that we may commune with Him, you understand that it grieves God when we don’t commune with Him.
God has done everything in His power to make it easy for us to commune with Him. When we were sinners and separated from Him, He sent Jesus Christ to restore our relationship. When we couldn’t get words to commune with Him, He sent the Holy Spirit to give us the words.
What excuse do we have?
2. Limited Power of God
God demonstrates His power through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He demonstrates His healing power through the gift of healing given to us by the Holy Spirit.
When God wants to give us revelations and encounters, He requires us to be in communion with Him. When a church speaks in tongues, the members are sanctified and edified. In that state, it is easy for them to receive revelations and encounters.
Speaking in tongues carries the power of God just like the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. Forbidding speaking in tongues in church limits the power of God in the church. As a result, people don’t experience the miracles of God.
3. Struggles in Spiritual Warfare
Whatever people say, everyone who believes in Jesus experiences spiritual warfare. The devil is not going to sit down and watch you get salvation; he will fight you.
If the devil didn’t fear fighting Jesus, how much less his disciples? Jesus Himself warned us that if the world hated Him it will also hate us for His name’s sake.
The world is under the influence of the devil. The devil controls it and uses it to fight against those who believe in Jesus.
Because of the ongoing spiritual battle, we need to stay alert in prayer. The Bible asks us to pray and watch.
Churches that don’t speak in tongues have a hard time dealing with the schemes of the devil. The Holy Spirit understands all the tactics of the devil and knows how to deal with them.
When you speak in tongues, which is basically allowing the Holy Spirit to pray through you, the Holy Spirit fights against the evil one with the perfect strategy.
As a result, you easily overpower the enemy. If a church embraces speaking in tongues, they will face more spiritual attacks but they will find it easy to overcome them.
Churches that don’t speak in tongues don’t face as much warfare because the devil already has them under control.
What to do about Churches that don’t speak in tongues
We are the body of Christ and God expects us to build one another up. Speaking in tongues is a gift that every church needs to embrace. It is not about denominations; it is about equipping ourselves to overcome the challenges of this life and attaining eternal redemption.
If you are in a church that doesn’t speak in tongues, work hard and introduce speaking in tongues in that church. God will reward you for the effort you put in to get people in your church to speak in tongues.
Tell people the importance of speaking in tongues and pray to God that He may release His outpouring in your church.
If you attend a church that speaks in tongues, encourage others to keep it up. Teach them the importance of praying in tongues and urge them to pray in tongues fervently.
If you find it hard to advocate for others to pray in tongues, do it yourself. If the church you attend doesn’t teach and encourage speaking in tongues, make it your initiative to learn about speaking in tongues and practice it.
Pray for those who are willing to receive the gift and build the body of Christ. God will reward you for your effort. Do it for the love you have for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Until next time…Peace!
When I see pastors critisizing other pastors and I’m trying to find out more about the critisizer, I usually can’t find much about the pastor in their true beliefs. I ask the question online of them. Do they speak in tongues. I get a lot of information from that question. God bless you brother for this message.
You’re welcome!