Speaking in tongues comes naturally if you build your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Since speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit, if you have a good relationship with Him, you will get the gift.
You may decide not to exercise the gift but you will naturally have it when you reach a certain level in your relationship with the Spirit of God.
Despite speaking in tongues coming naturally, you need to put in effort in your relationship with the Holy Spirit. It is by building your intimacy with the Spirit of God that you will receive the gift.
In this article, I will share with you tips to help you build your relationship with the Holy Spirit so that you receive the gift of speaking in tongues naturally.
Tips to Receive Speaking in Tongues Naturally
1. Live a Pure Life
If you want to receive the gift of speaking in tongues naturally, you need to live a pure life. Since our nature is inclined towards sin, it takes the fear of the lord for us to stay away from sin.
Without the fear of the Lord, sinning will be the order of the day. But how can someone gain the fear of the Lord?
Well, you ask God for it. There are a number of ways through which God can help you gain the fear of the Lord.
The general rule is that the more you know how much God loves you, the more you will fear sinning against Him. When you understand how much God has sacrificed because of the love He has for you, you will not want to disappoint Him by sinning.
Before you know it, you will be living a pure life that pleases Him.
A pure life attracts the Spirit of God. The purity of your life appears before God as a sweet aroma. When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, He comes with all the gifts including the gift of speaking in tongues.
That is how you will start speaking in tongues naturally.
2. Be Prayerful
Speaking in tongues is a gift that is given to us to help us pray as we ought to. The Bible tells us that we do not know how to pray as we ought to but that the Spirit of God makes intercession for us with groans that are too deep for words.
The Holy Spirit will come to help you pray in groans that are too deep for words if you are zealous about praying.
If you have built a good relationship with the Holy Spirit and you are prayerful, you will receive the gift of speaking in tongues naturally to help you dive deeper into prayer.
We express our feelings to God through prayer. When you become very intimate with God, some of the feelings you have are too strong to be expressed in any human language.
It is at that point that the Spirit of God gives you the ability to speak in tongues so that you can express yourself to God.
To someone who is prayerful, speaking in tongues will come naturally.
Jesus said that whoever is faithful with little will also be faithful with much. If you are faithful to pray when you can only pray in understanding, God will give you the ability to speak in tongues so that you pray even better.
3. Attend Fellowships where People Speak in Tongues
As much as the gift of speaking in tongues can come naturally when you have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, being in a fellowship where people speak in tongues is also helpful.
A fellowship where people speak in tongues will help you overcome the fear of speaking in tongues. When you see other believers praying in tongues, you will get an idea of how things go.
In fact, the atmosphere of a fellowship where people are speaking in tongues will cause anyone who has the Holy Spirit want to join them.
I have heard testimonies of people who began speaking in tongues just because they were in a fellowship where other believers were speaking in tongues.
In fact the easiest way for someone to start speaking in tongues naturally is to be among other believers who are speaking in tongues.
God created us in such a way that we are influenced to do what those around us are doing.
I first spoke in tongues after attending a night vigil where almost everyone was speaking in tongues. Listening to people speak in tongues felt awkward at first but because everyone was doing it and nobody was ashamed, I got used to it.
When it was my turn to speak in tongues, it felt natural. And because I was among people who were speaking in tongues, I felt welcome into the world of speaking in tongues.
4. Read the Word of God
The word of God is important in your journey to get the gift of speaking in tongues naturally. Through the word of God, you will understand how prayer works and how to transact with God.
The Holy Spirit reveals to you mysteries based on your understanding of the word of God. Someone who has read about the gift of speaking in tongues from the word of God will easily receive it naturally because he knows it exists.
When you have knowledge of the things of God, getting them to work in your life becomes easy.
5. Have faith you can Speak in Tongues Naturally
If you believe that you can start speaking in tongues naturally without someone laying hands on you, you will.
There are testimonies of people who started speaking in tongues on their own. Provided you believe in Jesus and have welcomed the Spirit of God into your life, speaking in tongues is not hard.
Some servants of God don’t lay hands on people to speak in tongues; they ask them to start speaking in tongues.
Because they know that people can start speaking in tongues on their own. A believer who has the Holy Spirit can speak in tongues without anyone laying hands on him.
The laying on of hands is just an act to prompt you to start speaking in tongues. It works for those who have little faith.
But if you are a mature believer, speaking in tongues should start naturally for you.
Does Speaking in Tongues come Naturally? Conclusion
Yes, speaking in tongues comes natural if you walk in the ways of the Lord. Along your path in your walk with God, there is a place God designed for you to receive the gift of speaking in tongues.
But you don’t have to wait for speaking in tongues to come naturally to you. There are steps that God has put in place to help you get the gift as soon as you want it.
Go for it and use it to build your relationship with God.
God bless!