The Bible tells us in James 1:5 that if anyone lacks wisdom he should ask God for it. That is straightforward but how should we pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding?
And after praying for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, how can you know you have received it?
That is what I will be answering in this article.
The Origin of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
Before you pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, you need to know their origin. When you know where they came from, you will be in a better position to ask for them.
In simple terms, wisdom, knowledge and understanding originate from God. In technical terms, wisdom is a spirit, knowledge is an object and understanding is an outcome.
Wisdom is a spirit that was created by God. According to Proverbs 8:22-23, wisdom was the first thing that God ever created. It makes sense because wisdom is gained by experience.
The fact that it was the first thing to be created means it has witnessed all things that God has done. Because no other created being knows as many things as the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of wisdom is the perfect source of knowledge.
When you pray for wisdom, God gives you access to the spirit of wisdom. The spirit of wisdom speaks to you as you carry on with your life. When you want to make decisions, you can consult the spirit of wisdom if you have access.
Wise people have permanent access to the spirit of wisdom. If you need wise counsel, you can ask them to consult the spirit of wisdom on your behalf.
The gift of wisdom mentioned in the New Testament is basically access to the spirit of wisdom.
The spirit of wisdom gives knowledge. Knowledge comes in two forms; knowledge of good and knowledge of evil. Initially, God only intended for us to know good but after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they gained knowledge of evil as well.
Knowledge of good makes us perfect but knowledge of evil tempts us to sin. Knowledge of good makes us wise but knowledge of evil makes us crafty.
God guides us by giving us knowledge of good and the devil tempts us by giving us knowledge of evil.
When you pray to God for knowledge, He will give you knowledge of good.
Understanding is the result of receiving knowledge through the access you have to wisdom. I’m sure you have understood the origin of wisdom, knowledge and understanding because I have explained it to you. And my explanation was possible because I have access to the spirit of wisdom.
As a result, you have gained understanding.
Whether you receive wisdom directly from the spirit of wisdom or from someone who has access to the spirit of wisdom, you will gain understanding in the process.
Cultivating a desire for Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
For you to pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding, you need to desire them. Without desiring them, you can’t pray for them.
The fact that you are getting this teaching already shows that you have a desire for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. When God gives wisdom, He gives it according to the level of desire someone has.
With a great desire you get great wisdom, with little desire you get little wisdom.
To cultivate your desire for wisdom, learn the benefits of wisdom. The book of proverbs is the perfect resource for learning the beauty of wisdom. King Solomon came up with many proverbs about life because of the wisdom he had.
When you read his proverbs, implement them and get good results, you will be motivated to also ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Jesus was the incarnation of God’s wisdom. When you study His lifestyle, you will understand the power of wisdom and your desire for it will grow.
Praying for Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
There is no secret formula of praying for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Just as Jesus said, those who ask receive, those who seek find and those who knock the door shall be opened for them.
It all comes down to how much you desire wisdom, knowledge and understanding. If your desire is great, you will be insistent in asking, proactive in seeking and persistent in knocking.
God will honor your desire and grant you what you ask for. This means that praying for wisdom is a lifestyle choice rather than a one-off event.
Wisdom itself is infinite which means you can always be asking for more and you will always receive a new level of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
The Answer to a Prayer of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
You will know your prayer for wisdom, knowledge and understanding has been answered when you experience results. At first, you will underestimate the wisdom you have. But when you succeed in a challenge that others fail, that is when you will start believing in the wisdom you have.
King Solomon was wise but it was only after solving the case of the two women who claimed the same child that his wisdom gained fame. To King Solomon, solving that case was common sense but to others, it was unfathomable wisdom.
When your wisdom grows, it is other people that will notice it and tell you. When you get knowledge, everything you hear will be familiar. When you get understanding, you will feel comfortable in all situations.
You will feel you are not doing anything spectacular by your own standards but others will be obsessed with how you handle issues.
Sample Prayer for Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding
Lord Almighty, great is your Holy Name! There is none like you in heaven and the earth. Great is your power forever and ever. You are the giver of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I pray today that you give me wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I desire to walk wisely in fear of you, to know you and to understand your holy ways. I want my decisions to be wise and pleasing before you.
Thank you Lord for I know you hear me when I pray.