How to pray for your husband to get well soon

“My husband is sick and I want to pray for him to get well soon but I don’t know where to begin. Please help me!” If this is your concern, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will guide you on how to pray for your sick husband to get well soon. No matter the illness He is suffering from, God is powerful and able to heal him. Your prayers will go a long way in prompting God to heal your sick husband.

I will address a number of concerns that come when you think of praying for your husband to get well soon. Once I address these concerns, you will realize that praying for your husband to get well soon is actually easy. After all, your entire duty is to pray and leave everything to God. God will handle the difficult part of healing your husband.

Will God answer me when I pray for my husband to get well soon?

It might be obvious that God answers prayers but when it comes to specific prayer requests, doubt may creep in. The doubt that creeps in will leave you with questions but no answers. For that reason, I decided to begin with this very basic concern; will God answer me when I pray for my husband to get well soon?

The simple answer is yes. God will answer you when you pray for your husband to get well soon. If you still have doubts, remember that you are a child of God and God loves you. In fact, He loved you when you were still a sinner and sent His son Jesus to die for you. If He did that for you when you were in sin, why would He not listen to your petition for your husband to get well soon?

Also, the Bible urges us to bear one another’s burdens. This means that we need to pray and care for one another. Jesus Himself commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Of course the neighbor He spoke of is anyone around us.

If Jesus asked you to love your neighbor as yourself and pray for them, will He not listen to you when you pray for your husband who is dear to you than a neighbor? Of course not!

God is very caring and you will be surprised to realize that He actually desires to see your husband healed more than you do. This is true because your husband is a child of God and God cares for His children. God never created anyone to suffer in sickness no matter how small the illness may be.

Therefore, approach God confidently knowing that He will listen to your prayer for your husband to get well soon.

How do I start praying for my husband to get well soon?

Knowing that God will answer your prayer for your husband to get well soon is only one half of the challenge. The other half is knowing how to actually start praying for your husband to get well soon.

When it comes to praying for your husband to get well soon, you need to position yourself in the right place. This means that you have to be in agreement with God’s healing laws so that God’s healing power may flow to your sick husband.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand what I mean by aligning yourself to God’s healing laws because that is what I’m about to explain to you.

God has laws and He operates in accordance to His laws. For you to get help from God, you have to make sure you are aligned with the necessary laws. In this case, you are a wife and you are making a petition for your husband to get well soon. First, you need to prove to God that you love your husband. This is necessary because you will be appealing to God to heal your husband based on the love you have for your husband.

The good thing is that by praying to God for your husband, it automatically proves that you love your husband. If you didn’t love your husband, of course you wouldn’t bother to pray for him to get well soon.

Secondly, you need to evaluate your standing with God. This means that you need to evaluate the state of your relationship with God. This is necessary because you will be seeking God’s favor on behalf of your husband.

If your husband is not in a position to receive healing from God, your right standing with God will be a good petition to use. In that case, even if your husband is not eligible for healing based on his righteousness, God will heal him for the sake of your righteousness.

Therefore, make sure that you genuinely love your husband and that your relationship with God is stable before you pray for your husband to get well soon. And when you start praying for the healing of your husband, appeal to God using the love you have for your husband and your devotion to God.

What should I expect when I pray for my husband to get well soon?

When you pray for your husband to get well soon, expect God to scrutinize your prayer. Yes, God will want to verify that your petition is in line with His law before He responds to it. This is why I began by explaining to you what laws you need to align yourself with before you pray for your husband to get well soon.

God has more than enough power to heal your husband instantly. But God is usually reluctant to release His healing power unless He has verified that the petition made is legitimate. God has to verify your petition is legitimate because if He releases His power and it turns out your petition was not legitimate, that power will destroy you for trying to deceive God.

Therefore, when you pray for your husband expect God to take His time to verify your petition. You will know God is verifying your petition when He remains silent despite the prayer you have made to Him for your husband to get well soon.

If you genuinely love your husband and you are devoted to God, expect God to answer your prayer instantly. Yes, God never delays to respond to the petition of those who deserve His assistance. In the Bible, we are told the story of Jesus healing the Centurion’s servant after the Centurion petitioned Jesus on behalf of his servant. The healing took place instantly because the petition of the Centurion was justified.

What should I do after praying for my husband to get well soon?

After you pray for your husband to get well soon, go and continue attending to your husband. This will prove the love you have for your husband and God will be moved by your action to heal your husband.

While attending to your husband, if you still have a heavy heart, continue praying for your husband to get well soon. Remember Jesus told us the parable of the friend at midnight to encourage us to keep petitioning in prayer until we get what we are seeking for. In this case, don’t stop praying until your husband is fully healed. Pray until you feel peace in your heart; that is when you would have exhausted your strength to petition.

Alternate between attending to your husband and pouring your heart out to God until your husband has fully recovered then give thanks to God.

Sample prayer for my husband to get well soon

Heavenly Father, I pray for my husband to get well soon. I love him so much and it pains me to see him unwell. I pray to you Lord for I know you have the power to heal him. Remember how faithful I have been to you and heal my husband that I may have peace. I repent for the wrongs that my husband has done before you and I pray have mercy on him. In your great compassion, remember him. I trust you my Lord that my husband will be healthy again. Do it for me that I may glorify your Holy Name. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

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