Is Speaking in Tongues Voluntary or Involuntary?

Speaking in tongues is both voluntary and involuntary. I know this sounds absurd but I will explain. There are aspects of speaking in tongues that you do voluntarily while other aspects happen involuntarily. The voluntary aspects of speaking in tongues vary widely as well as the involuntary aspects. In other words, what may be a … Read more

3 Main Indicators of Genuine Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in tongues is a mysterious gift just like any other gift of the Holy Spirit. However, speaking in tongues often comes into scrutiny because many people come across it. One of the concerns is usually whether someone is speaking in genuine tongues or not. While the Bible has not given us clear direction on … Read more

Speaking in Tongues without an Interpreter

Speaking in tongues does not need to be interpreted unless the tongues that are spoken have a message from God that other believers need to understand. This means that you can speak in tongues without an interpreter. Speaking in tongues that requires interpretation is one where the person speaking is relaying a message from God … Read more

3 Main Benefits of Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in tongues has many benefits. It is a gift from God and of course it must have great benefits. I received the gift a number of years ago and I have experienced great benefits more than I expected. The following are the three main benefits of speaking in tongues: I will elaborate in detail … Read more

Is Speaking in Tongues is for Everyone?

Speaking in tongues is for everyone. God gives it to whoever desires. Speaking in tongues is a language that God enables us to speak and commune with Him. Because God wants all of us to commune with Him, it means that speaking in tongues is for everyone. The conditions of receiving the gift may lock … Read more