Are you trusting God for miracles by praying in tongues? Well, I have good news for you; praying in tongues is the quickest way to get miracles.
Praying is not easy. Holding on to your faith when asking God for a miracle is hard. God knew we would have these challenges and that is why He gave us the gift of praying in tongues.
The Bible tells us in the book of Romans 8:26 that we do not know how to pray as we ought to but that the Spirit of God intercedes for us with groans that are too deep for words.
The Spirit of God knows the miracles that we need in our lives. He intercedes for us. Our responsibility is to give room to the Holy Spirit to make intercession.
How do we do that?
By praying in tongues.
Encouragement to Pray in Tongues for Miracles
We all need miracles in one way or another. The answer to any prayer is a miracle. Remember that we were sinners and we still do sin except that the blood of Jesus atones for our sin.
God hates sin and He even separated Himself from us when we sinned. After the separation, we could only access Him through prayer.
But still God is merciful enough to listen to our prayers and even answer us. Is that not a miracle?
On top of that, He has given us the Holy Spirit to help us pray. Is He not a loving God?
When we refuse to pray in tongues for miracles God is grieved. He has invested so much to enable us to pray to Him.
Remember Jesus came and taught us the Lord’s Prayer. But the Lord’s Prayer was not enough. The disciples of Jesus were discouraged and did not pray even when Jesus asked them to pray on the night He was arrested.
If the disciples did not pray yet they knew the Lord’s Prayer and had been asked to pray by Jesus, how much less us?
Jesus understood their struggle and He prayed for them countless times. John 17 is a long prayer that Jesus made for His disciples and everyone who would believe in Him.
But even after Jesus prayed for us, it was not enough. The Spirit of God was sent to come and help us pray.
This goes to show just how much God wants us to pray. The Bible tells us in 1st Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing.
The only way we can make effective prayers that yield miracles is if we pray in tongues.
What happens when we pray in tongues for Miracles
When we pray in tongues for miracles, God delights in us. God is always delighted when we go to Him in prayer. It gives Him an opportunity to show us His greatness.
When God created us, He gave us free will. Because we have free will, God cannot force us to pray. Instead, God puts us in circumstances that force us to pray.
When you desperately need a miracle and you decide to pray in tongues, your decision is pleasing to God.
Some people turn to other worldly things when they are in dire situations. God allows tough times to come so that we seek Him for miracles.
Remember the case of the widow of Zarephath; she was only left with flour and oil for one meal. But God performed a miracle through Elijah.
Whatever tough situation you are in, remember that God allowed it to come to you so that you would seek Him for a miracle.
Not only does God want to grant you a miracle but He also wants to build your faith. When you pray in tongues for a miracle and you receive it, you will have stronger faith that God is able to deliver.
With greater faith, you will be able to ask for greater miracles and receive them.
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:6 that it is impossible to please God without faith. This is why God is so keen on building your faith by coming through for you in tough situations.
Your responsibility is to pray without ceasing. Utilize the gift of praying in tongues to pray without ceasing.
Praying in Tongues for Miracles is Endless
There is no end to the miracles that God can do for us. Praying in tongues for miracles is endless. Every believer has an opportunity to pray to God for a miracle.
Many believers pray to God for financial miracles and yes, God delights in those prayers. God permits His children to get into tough financial situations so that they seek Him for a miracle.
Some believers want a Job, others want their business to succeed, others want money for food etc. Whatever your case, God is able to perform a miracle for you when you pray in tongues.
Since our situations are unique, there is no formula to pray for them. That is why speaking in tongues is important.
When you speak in tongues, the Holy Spirit makes a request for you to God based on your specific circumstance. The result is a miracle.
God responds faster to your prayer for a miracle when you understand that the most valuable thing you can get out of your situation is growth in your faith. Yes, you will get a miracle that will pull you out of the situation but then God desires more that your faith in Him grows.
Be assured that even after God pulls you out of one situation, after sometime, you will need another miracle for another situation.
Tough situations keep coming because God wants you to grow continuously in your faith. Don’t be discouraged when praying in tongues for a miracle. The Lord knows your situation and is using it to build your faith.
If you faithfully pray in tongues and trust God, you will grow fast and enjoy many blessings. Future situations won’t be tough to overcome if you go through current tough situations as God requires.
Praying in Tongues for a Miracle: Conclusion
Praying in tongues is a powerful gift that God has given you to manifest miracles. God has never quit the business of performing miracles. No matter how dire your situation is, remember that God raised Lazarus from death after four days.
Also remember that the more tough situations you overcome, the easier future tough situations will be. You will get to a point where what was an impossible mountain becomes level ground.
Invest in praying in tongues. Don’t get tired.