For Those Who Say “Speaking in Tongues is Fake”

Before you open your mouth to say speaking in tongues is fake, you better know what you are saying. Without thinking about what you are saying, you may find yourself opposing God.

I have investigated the gift of speaking in tongues and I confidently tell you it is not fake. There may be those who utter gibberish without inspiration of the Holy Spirit but that does not mean the gift of speaking in tongues is fake.

Attacking your view of speaking in tongues won’t benefit me. I am here to help you see speaking in tongues from a new perspective and hopefully get you to experience this wonderful gift from God.

There will always be Fake Speaking in Tongues

According to the nature of things, there will always be an original and a fake. Talk of money, products, information etc, originals and fakes exist. Speaking in tongues is no different.

The existence of fake speaking in tongues proves that there is an original gift. The same way for every fake thing that exists there is an original that it copied.

Even if it seems only fakes exist, trust me, there is always an original.

It is also important to note that just because something has a fake version doesn’t mean we shun it all together. I’m sure you work to get money yet you know fake money exists.

Why not take the same approach when it comes to speaking in tongues? Seek the genuine gift. Let those who want to fake it fake it.

The mindset of saying speaking in tongues is fake can never benefit you. What do you gain by preaching that speaking in tongues is fake? Will God reward you for it?

If you are upset by those who fake the gift, be specific but don’t attack the entire gift. There are many who speak in genuine tongues and many more who desire.

You have no Right to say Speaking in Tongues is Fake if you have never experienced it

It is interesting that people who say speaking in tongues is fake have never spoken in tongues themselves. Some of them are not even believers. If you are one of them, stop being a fool!

How do you make a conclusion on a matter you have not experienced? Can a man argue with a woman about the pain of childbirth?

If you have never experienced speaking in tongues, you can never understand it. You are like a man who argues that the screaming that happens in the maternity ward is fake.

I had doubts about speaking in tongues when I was growing up. But I asked God to let me experience the gift before I made any conclusions.

Ever since I experienced the gift, I have never had a shadow of a doubt that it is from God. Do I bubble unintelligent syllables? Yes! And I love it.

If you have never experienced the gift, your opinion about the topic is unfounded. Even if you say you read about the topic from the Bible, I have read it too and I speak in tongues.

God knew there would be People who would say Speaking in Tongues is Fake

Before the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus already said that the world could neither see Him nor know Him. How much less His gift of speaking in tongues?

God knew the world would reject Jesus and it rejected Him. When Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit, He knew the world would reject Him too and it did.

The work of the Holy Spirit is utter nonsense to the world. The gift of speaking in tongues is but gibberish to them.

There are believers who have a carnal mind. Such believers share the beliefs of the world when it comes to deep spiritual mysteries.

Of course the Holy Spirit cannot inspire you to say speaking in tongues is fake. How can He speak against His own gift?

It is only devils that can inspire you to say such nonsense. If you are full of pride you will also share the same sentiments.

God knew people would fight back against speaking in tongues but He allowed us to have the gift anyway.

It is sad that you are in the camp of those who say speaking in tongues is fake. The sooner you ditch that camp, the better.

It is better if you take no sides than to be on the side of those who say speaking in tongues is fake.

Scriptures Support Speaking in Tongues

You say speaking in tongues is fake, where is it written in scripture? For us, we speak in tongues because there are scriptures that support it.

I don’t know how a believer who reads the Bible will fail to know that speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit.

It surprises me when a believer has a negative view towards speaking in tongues. A negative view towards speaking in tongues can only come from a prideful heart.

To have the Holy Spirit work through you, humility is required. It is true that praying in tongues will make you look unintelligent but that is a test of humility.

I don’t care who you are, if you think speaking in tongues is fake, you better cross examine your beliefs.

For those who say “Speaking in Tongues is Fake”: Conclusion

Provided you are a human being, you are at the mercy of God. All human beings need Jesus as their savior. And if you believe in Jesus, you can’t fail to know the Holy Spirit because He is the promise of Jesus.

If you believe the Holy Spirit, how can you say His gift of speaking in tongues is fake? You can be forgiven for having such stupid beliefs in ignorance but after reading this, you can’t play the ignorance card again.

If you cannot embrace the gift of tongues, it is better you stay away from it. You will be forgiven for not bothering about it but for attacking it, you won’t go unpunished.

I don’t say this just because I have the gift, it is the truth and if you heed to what I am telling you, your soul will benefit.
