Speaking in tongues is for everyone. God gives it to whoever desires. Speaking in tongues is a language that God enables us to speak and commune with Him. Because God wants all of us to commune with Him, it means that speaking in tongues is for everyone. The conditions of receiving the gift may lock some people out but everyone can receive the gift of speaking in tongues if they meet the stipulated conditions.
The two main conditions for someone to receive the gift of speaking in tongues are believing in Jesus and desiring the gift. I will explain these two conditions in detail in this article.
Speaking in Tongues is for Everyone
1. Everyone who believes in Jesus
Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of God who enables us to speak in tongues. In fact, speaking in tongues is basically giving the Spirit of God access to use your tongue to pray.
It is clear from the word of God that the Holy Spirit was a promise that Jesus gave to His disciples when He was returning to the Father.
It is impossible to receive a gift from the Holy Spirit unless you have received the gift of Jesus; the Holy Spirit.
By believing in Jesus, you acknowledge that the Holy Spirit came as a gift to us. It is only after you have received the Holy Spirit that you can now think of receiving the gifts that the Holy Spirit has to offer.
Speaking in tongues is like any other gift of the Holy Spirit.
Failing to believe in Jesus basically rules you out of receiving the gift of speaking in tongues. How can you receive a gift from someone you have not welcomed in your house?
Therefore, if you are desiring to speak in tongues, the first condition is you must have faith in Jesus.
Having faith in Jesus is as simple as acknowledging that Jesus is God, He came and lived as a man on earth, died and resurrected on the third day and is seated at the right hand of the Father and will come back on earth to take His believers.
If you believe this, you have received Jesus and consequently, the Holy Spirit.
2. Everyone who desires the gift
The second and obvious condition for everyone to speak in tongues is to desire. It is clear from the word of God that those who ask shall receive, those who seek shall find and those who knock the door shall be opened.
The same applies to speaking in tongues. It is a gift from God and it must be desired.
God put this condition in place to make sure that whoever receives the gift of speaking in tongues will value it.
There are believers who despise the gift of speaking in tongues. It is unfortunate but it is true. Such believers cannot receive the gift even if they asked from it from God just because they despise it. Why should God give someone a gift he despises?
Desiring the gift of speaking in tongues shows God that you have faith the gift is good. And of course the desire you have must be genuine.
Some believers wake up one day and ask for the gift to speak in tongues. When they are told that they must have a desire first, they say they desire but their desire is only by their lips.
A desire is a desire. You know it when it is a desire.
I have heard stories of believers who received the gift of speaking in tongues without anyone laying hands on them.
How did it happen?
They desired it.
A desire can be cultivated. The stronger the desire to speak in tongues, the easier it will be for you to receive the gift.
Cultivating a desire for the gift of speaking in tongues begins by listening to testimonies of people who have the gift of speaking in tongues.
The testimonies of those who speak in tongues give you an idea of what you are to expect when you receive the gift.
If you like what the believers who speak in tongues have gained for having the gift, you will grow a desire for it.
Do it enough times and God will notice your desire.
In my case, the desire to speak in tongues began when I read the writings of Apostle Paul that whoever speaks in tongues edifies himself. At that time also I used to struggle to find words to pray in understanding.
We used to have long prayer sessions and if you didn’t have a long prayer list, you would pretty much be idle waiting for others to be done with their prayers.
Speaking in tongues sounded like a great idea as it would solve the prayer problems I was experiencing.
It took me about four years to develop my desire to speak in tongues to a level that pleased God to let me have the gift. It took longer than I wanted but I am grateful that I didn’t give up my desire.
It doesn’t mean that developing a desire to speak in tongues takes that long but expect anything.
Speaking in Tongues is for Everyone Including you
If you searched for this article and have read it this far, chances are that you have a desire to speak in tongues. Believers who have no desire to speak in tongues wouldn’t waste their time reading through conditions that one must meet to speak in tongues.
If you don’t yet speak in tongues and yet you have a desire, there are three possibilities:
First possibility is that your desire is yet to reach a tipping point. In this case, growing your desire a little more will get you the gift.
Second possibility and most likely the case is that you have received the gift but are afraid to exercise it. This requires you to have more faith in action.
Third possibility and rarely the case is that God may be testing you. If this is the case, holding on to your desire and faith that one day you will speak in tongues will get you the gift.
No matter your circumstances, receiving the gift of speaking in tongues can be hard work. Some believers get it easy but others have to go through a number of tests.
The beauty of this whole situation is that all the effort you put in to get the gift of speaking in tongues is worth it. I am a witness.
The harder you work to get the gift, the more powerful the gift will be after you receive it. Don’t lose hope.
All the best!