3am Prayers are Powerful. Here is the explanation…

Praying at 3AM is powerful. The prayers made at this time are special. There are good reasons that make praying at 3am powerful. If you are not already taking advantage of praying at 3am, it is time to start doing it.

In this article, I will walk you through the reasons that make praying at 3am powerful and why you need to start doing it if you are not already doing it.

What makes 3am prayers so powerful?

3am prayers are powerful because at that time, there is usually less activity in the spiritual realm. With less activity in the spiritual realm, it is easy to get a breakthrough.

If you don’t understand what I mean by less activity in the spiritual realm, don’t worry; I’ll explain.

The spiritual realm is affected by the activities that we do in the physical realm. During the day, many people are awake and because of that, there is a lot of activity in the spiritual realm.

The activities that we engage in are categorized in three; righteous, wicked and basic. Righteous acts are acts that bring glory to God. These are godly activities such as evangelism, praying, helping the poor, forgiving one another etc. These activities empower the kingdom of light in the spiritual realm.

Wicked activities are all sinful acts that people engage in during the day. These include insults against one another, telling lies, stealing, immorality and other wicked activities. When these wicked activities are committed, the kingdom of darkness is empowered.

Basic activities are those activities that are neutral. These include things like taking a shower, cooking, eating, sleeping etc. These do not have a spiritual impact.

When it comes to 3am prayers, they are made at a time when most people are asleep. With many people asleep, there is less wickedness going on which means the powers of darkness are not at their best.

Because of this factor, it is easy to get a breakthrough when you pray at 3am.

Must the Prayers I make be exactly at 3am?

3am is just a representation of an hour of the day that is conducive for prayers. You don’t have to pray at exactly 3am to get the benefits of 3am prayers. It is just that 3am is a very good time to start praying.

You will find it very easy to soak deep in the spiritual realm when you pray at 3am. But if you are the kind of person who loves keeping time, then you can start your prayers at exactly 3am.

I know people who are disciplined and if they want to make 3am prayers, those prayers begin at exactly 3am. As far as I know, there is a reward for that level of discipline. When you make a covenant with God to pray at 3am, God will send His angels to you at that time. And the time of God is usually exact.

This means that if you delay even with a minute, you will miss out on the visitation that God has set for you. Also, if the forces of darkness know that you have set yourself to pray at 3am, when it gets to that time, they will try to distract you. This means that if you are not careful, you may end up wasting the 3am hour of prayer.

For how long should 3am Prayers last?

If you have woken up to pray at 3am, try and pray up to 4am. An hour of prayer is good and it will give you a good chance of penetrating the spiritual realm to get the breakthrough you want.

If you are in a good position, you can stretch the 3am prayers up to 5am. The most important thing is that you catch that 3am hour and take advantage of the ease you experience in the spiritual realm at that time.

If you can’t pray from 3am to 4am, even half an hour of prayer will be better than no prayers at all. 3am prayers offer a great opportunity to get breakthroughs and it is wise to take advantage of them.

What should you pray for during 3am prayers?

You can pray for anything you want at 3am though I would encourage you to pray for spiritual power because when you have spiritual power, you can get any physical result you want. At 3am, try and focus on asking God to teach you to love Him and others. Remember this is the greatest commandment that Jesus gave to us.

Apart from praying for love, pray that God may empower you with faith. The Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith. Asking for faith will make it easy for you to please the Lord and with that, you will get many blessings.

Lastly, pray that God may give you wisdom. Wisdom will make your physical life easy. With wisdom, you will navigate life with ease. Remember King Solomon asked for wisdom at night when the Lord appeared to Him in a dream.

How often should you make 3am Prayers?

If you can, make 3am prayers daily. But if you can’t manage to pray at 3am daily, you can do it three times a week or five times a week. The more times you pray at 3am, the quicker you will grow in the spirit and get many breakthroughs.

Also, you have to consider that some breakthroughs will take persistence to get them. This means that you will need to pray at 3am a number of times before you get such breakthroughs. It can be a little tough to be consistent but the reward is worth the effort.

If you pray every day at 3am, you will see a tremendous impact in your life in a short time. As I’ve mentioned before, prayers made at 3am give you easy access to the spiritual realm which makes it easy for you to acquire spiritual gifts. With those spiritual gifts, you will never struggle with any physical challenges.

The power of 3am prayers; conclusion

If you have never taken 3am prayers seriously, it is time to add them to your priority list. These prayers have a special grace given the sacrifice it takes to make them. God acknowledges the sleep you sacrifice to make 3am prayers and that is a reason enough for Him to reward you bountifully. Remember the Bible tells us that whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

Therefore, take up your position in prayer and make 3am prayers part of your routine.
