Not all the time we have words to say in prayer, is it the case? Yes and no. Prayer is an intimate act but also prayer is a form of communication.
When we perceive prayer as an act of intimacy, we can’t run out of words to say but when we perceive prayer as a form of communication, we can understand when we have nothing to communicate.
If you want to pray and you have no prayer, there are directions you need to follow.
How to Pray when you have no words
Pray that you may Love God more
There is no amount of loving God that is too much. If you want to pray and you have no prayer, you can always ask God to teach you to love Him more.
The Bible asks us to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our strength. If you have doubts if you love the Lord your God with that level of intensity, praying for a bigger heart to love God should always be on your to do list.
There are infinite levels of love. No matter how deeply you love God, there is more love that you can show.
For this reason, you should never lack words to say in prayer.
Remember that loving God is a command that we are expected to keep. Loving God is not a luxury that we choose whether to do or not to do; it is a command that if we disobey, we are liable for punishment.
God loved us so much while we were still sinners and sent His son Jesus to die for us on the cross. We are expected to at least love Jesus who died for us on the cross and through loving Him, God will be pleased with us.
Refusing to love Jesus who shed His blood as an atonement for our sin will kindle the anger of God against us. And it is never a good idea to kindle the anger of God.
We all know what happened when the generation during the time of Noah kindled the anger of God with their sinful living.
We also know what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah when they mindlessly sinned against God.
Therefore, it is wise for you to ask God to teach you to love Him when you have no words to pray.
Ask for the gift of Speaking in Tongues
God envisioned this problem long before it became a problem. God understands that it is difficult for us to formulate prayers. Sometimes, we have no words to utter in prayer.
For this reason, God sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our weaknesses. As a way of helping us, the Holy Spirit empowers us to pray to God with unknown tongues.
The Bible describes them in Romans 8:26 as groans that are too deep for words. These strange sounds are a deep level of prayer that the Holy Spirit formulates.
When you have the gift of praying in tongues, you don’t think about what to say in your prayer. All you do is open your mouth and allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you.
For this reason, if you want to pray but you have no prayer, ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and give you the gift of praying in tongues.
Having that gift will solve your problem of having no words to utter in prayer.
Actually, God expects us to rely on the Holy Spirit to help us in prayer. That is why He sent Him in the first place.
Jesus clearly told us that the Holy Spirit would come to help us in our weakness and lead us into all the truth. Therefore, we have no excuse when it comes to praying. Saying we didn’t have words to say in prayer is unacceptable.
Ask for Faith
When you want to pray but you have no prayer, ask God to increase your faith. Just like love, faith is infinite. While we are commanded to love God, when it comes to faith, we need it to please God.
The Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews that it is impossible to please God without faith. The greater the faith you have, the more God will be pleased with you.
Who doesn’t wat to please God?
The fact that you wanted to know what to do when you want to pray but have no prayer is a good sign that you want to please God.
Remember also that we are commanded to pray without ceasing.
Therefore, you can ask God in prayer to increase your faith so that you please Him with your life. Our father of faith Abraham pleased God with his faith and God accredited righteousness to him.
If you ask God for faith, you too will be called righteous based on your faith.
The disciples of Jesus once asked Him to increase their faith. If the disciples of Jesus asked Him to increase their faith, who are you to say you have no prayer to utter?
Offer worship to God
If you completely can’t find words to utter in prayer, then you can always worship God. Worship songs were designed to tune us to the frequency of heaven with ease.
The more you soak in the worship, you should naturally get words to utter to God. Also remember that we are supposed to grow to a level where we worship God for who He is.
True worship happens when we genuinely love God and offer our hearts to Him.
Sample Prayer when you have no words
Heavenly Father, I love you and trust you. I have no other God but you. All my days I desire to dwell in your sanctuary. I pray today that you teach me how to love you more. I desire to soak deep in your love. Increase my faith that I may please you with my ways. Life is not worth living without you. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me the gift of praying in tongues that I may never lack words to express my love for you.
Thank you for I know you love me, and you hear me when I pray.